
Thursday, October 27, 2011

Relevant-11 Blog Bash AND a Business Card Swap

The Relevant Conference 2011
The Christian blogger Event of the year...and I'm not there!

Last year during Relevant I just knew that I'd be there this year.  Uh, um... I'm not.  I want to say that next, year, definitely, I will be there but I temper that with... "I sure hope I can be there next year".  

I am, however following the hastag #Relevant11 on twitter and following all the "goings ons"  and  Women Living Well is having their own Blog Bash so I'll be hopping there too.   They are even going to do streaming of keynote speakers and will update it.  Be sure to go there too and check out some of the bloggers that are participating in the Blog Bash.  (I intend to link up under the food/recipes category myself!)  
(Click above to go there)
And that's not all...
Since I'm seeing tweets about all the great business card exchanges going on and those of us who are not there don't get to exchange ours and get their great cards, I'm hosting a link-up for all!  
Whether you're at Relevant or at home.  Here's our chance to connect with other bloggers.  All you have to do is either scan, or take a pic of your business card, either tweet it, or post it on your blog, link up below so we can come visit and get your card!    How fun is that?!?

I'll start....

ok,  your turn....

Swap your (Virtual) business cards even if you can't be at Relevant!   For attendees AND those "playing the home game".

1. Tammy @ Not Just Paper and Glue  

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Girls Day Out with Real Women Eat

Saturday was a rare occasion when almost all of Real Women Eat were able to get together for a long overdue Girls Day and fact finding mission...a.k.a Cupcake evaluation!
Left:  Saucy in front, Sweet Jeanette(me) in back
Right:  Cupcake in front;  Delicious in back
(Buttercream was the only one who couldn't make it)

First was breakfast at Mimi's.  It is, after all, the most important meal of the day.

I had buttons made for everyone with our logo on it, and threatened them within an inch of their recipes if they lost them!  

I had heard of a cupcake shop in Brandon.  Until now I thought there were no local shops... except in Tampa.  I was excited to find out after talking to Dena that there were more than one in Brandon area!  WooHoo!

The first one we tried to go to was Simply Cupcakes.  To our disappointment, there was a note taped to the door.  They were in Plant City for an antique/craft show and chili cook-off.   So it was off to the next cupcake shop...
Sweetie's Delights.
I just love this painting on their back wall.  One of the employees took this pic for me.  I don't know what the "back room" was, but they closed the door just after I saw it so I asked if they'd take the picture for me.  They were gracious enough to do so.   Don't you love it?  I wish I had a kitchen wall big enough.  I'd SO have Brooke paint those cupcakes on it for me!

We each bought a cupcake of our choice (I bought two) and sat down to do our "research", pig out!
I naturally got the chocolate peanut butter.  In fact, everywhere we went, if there was anything with peanut butter in it, I got it.   The other was a key lime.  I was very pleased with my choices.  I don't remember what everyone else got, but there will be the evaluations on later this week. 
All decorated for Halloween

We did end up going to Plant City to seek out Simply Cupcakes.  We tried their cupcakes too, but I just realized I don't have any pictures!  I remember our favorite flavor there was the cookies-n-cream cupcake.
While there we wandered into a candy shop.
They provided samples - Yesssss!  I never knew dark chocolate could taste so good!  I had always thought dark chocolate tasted bitter. But this was so creamy and smooth...and yummy! They mentioned the process they painstakingly underwent to insure it's taste.  Well worth it!

All in all, we had a great day of feasting and fellowship.  But I have to mention our "find" of the day...
We were searching for a place to sit to try our cupcakes and found some outside tables a couple doors down from Sweetie's Delights.  We were just going to buy some water, but were overcome with the place.

Leena's Chocolates!!!
This is Anthony Caliguire  (Leena's son)

We couldn't resist the Gelato!  I got strawberry and it was love at first bite!
No kidding!  I love this stuff!
Anthony was great - he  shared with us the history of Leena's  and all that they have to offer.  They have private parties there too...and for $35.00 you can book the place for food, fun, and a tour of the back room to see all the "behind the scenes" goings on.  We all decided that we want to take advantage of this for a girl's night.  I mean, c'mon, $35.00 to feed me, entertain/educate me too?  I'd pay $35.00 to watch an ant eat a bale of hay.  This is much better!   After we take advantage of this and get the tour, we'll be posting it all on, be sure to check it out!   Basically, we went looking for cupcakes, but fell in love with Leena's Chocolates!  (and I can't wait to tell you more, but on Real Women Eat!)

Tuesday, October 25, 2011


This is the day set aside for prayer, for you.

If you have a prayer request, please list it in the comments below. You don't have to give any information you don't feel comfortable with. (A simple "unspoken" comment is sufficient).
If you would like to pray, then please pray for the comment above yours.

Also, if you would like to share a "praise" for a blessing you have received please feel free to leave a comment so we can all rejoice with you!

Monday, October 24, 2011

Have you missed me?  I've been scarce lately, I know.  And I owe you an explanation.  You see, I depend heavily on my desktop computer.  It's where everything is...and I mean everything.  My photo editing software, my pics, my graphics, my...well, you get the picture.  I totally miss it.  I miss the keyboard most of all.  So, lately I've been working (or not) with just the use of my laptop.   Did I mention I miss the keyboard for the desktop???)    It's just not FUN to use anything else.  Ho hum... So, you haven't seen anything from me except for the Prayer Request Tuesdays.    Sorry.  I will try to be better. 

Saturday Real Women Eat met for breakfast and on a hunt for local cupcake shops and I can't wait to tell you about it.  Check back Wednesday, ok?   For now, I'm waiting for the plumber to come and unclog my kitchen sink!  Sigh....

Monday, October 17, 2011


This is the day set aside for prayer, for you.

If you have a prayer request, please list it in the comments below. You don't have to give any information you don't feel comfortable with. (A simple "unspoken" comment is sufficient).
If you would like to pray, then please pray for the comment above yours.

Also, if you would like to share a "praise" for a blessing you have received please feel free to leave a comment so we can all rejoice with you!

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

This just speaks to me.

While the outward "me" may look like real life, the inside me, is definitely the shadow.  

Monday, October 10, 2011


This is the day set aside for prayer, for you.

If you have a prayer request, please list it in the comments below. You don't have to give any information you don't feel comfortable with. (A simple "unspoken" comment is sufficient).
If you would like to pray, then please pray for the comment above yours.

Also, if you would like to share a "praise" for a blessing you have received please feel free to leave a comment so we can all rejoice with you!

Monday, October 3, 2011


This is the day set aside for prayer for you...

If you have a prayer request, please list it in the comments below. You don't have to give any information you don't feel comfortable with. (A simple "unspoken" comment is sufficient).
If you would like to pray, then please pray for the comment above yours.

Also, if you would like to share a "praise" for a blessing you have received please feel free to leave a comment so we can all rejoice with you!


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