
Sunday, January 29, 2012

Do you Pin?

Do you Pinterest?

If not, you are in an ever-growing small minority.  I would have to say, Pinterest is the best thing since sliced bread.  Ok, maybe not, but it comes close.  What is Pinterest, you ask?  Besides being the bombdiggity...

Take a look at your "favorites" folder.  Is it jam packed with places you want to go back to or remember for later?  That's what mine looked like.  So many places bookmarked that I couldn't find what I was looking for and would spend most of my time going through my bookmarked places over and over just to find that web site's url.   With Pinterest, you can "pin" that site and go back to it through boards you create.  No more clogging up your computer.  They're stored on Pinterest so if you suddenly lose your computer (say it dies, ugh!), no problem.  Just go to Pinterest and there they are.  Sorry, Pinterest can't fix your computer.  

Pinterest connects you to other people interested in the same things.  You can follow those people.  Or, if you are only interested in one or two...or more.. of their boards, you can just follow a specific board. 

If you blog, it is a great tool for growing your blog.  Pinterest allows you to "pin" some of your own posts, as long as it doesn't become a self-promotion of you exclusively.   One example, is the Pecan Pie Cake I made Thanksgiving.  (it was awesome, by the way!)   I pinned it, and have received over 5,000 visits to my blog from that pin alone!  Twitter and facebook put together never did that! Pinterest says It's fine to pin something you're proud of, but you should be pinning more of other's than yourself.   That's just good manners too, right?

You will need an invitation to join Pinterest.  I'm not sure why because everybody is accepted.  You can go yourself and request an invitation, or if you like, I can send you one.  When I joined, it took less than an hour to hear from them, but that was over a year ago.  It may take a day, now but I don't know.

Oh!  You can follow me on Pinterest too!  Just click the Pinterest button in the right-hand margin up top...and say "hi"!   Like I said...I just love Pinterest.  You can get lost in there, but it's a happy place!

Monday, January 23, 2012

Winner of the Book giveaway is...

Since this was a low entry the drawing-out-of-a-hat wasn't difficult at all.  Only thing, the person's name is annonymous.  LOL  Never fear though, she did give me her email address and I will be emailing her for her address to send the book on it's way.  

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Gilbert The Great Fish Book Giveaway

I have been given an autographed copy of "Gilbert the Great Fish"  by the author, Jason Cooper to give to one recipient.  Woot!

"Ever wonder about that giant fish that swallowed Jonah? Well, this is his story. The story of Gilbert the Great Fish. And little did Gilbert know he would make history when he let God use him for a very special job."

Jason wrote this fictional story from the perspective of the fish, Gilbert.  It's a such a cute children's story with adorable illustrations.  And he's made one available here!  Jason is my cousin, so I guess I'm specially blessed...and lucky eh? 

If you'd like this book, just leave a comment here.  You don't have to have a blog.  No hoops to jump through.  Just comment.  If you don't want to wait to see if your name is chosen, or want your copy now, then you can head on over here and order your own copy, and learn more about Jason.  You'll love him.  I just know it!

The winner will be announced Monday, January 23rd.  Please make sure I have an email for you.  If I can't contact you, I will have to draw another name.  You wouldn't want that.  

Friday, January 13, 2012

Loaded Baked Potato Soup

Loaded Baked Potato Soup
Ever get the hankerin' for a good, but not good for you, soup? This ought to fit the bill. It's hearty and tastes oh so good. But if one of your New Years resolutions was to eat healthy, you might want to hold off on trying this until you're ready to break that resolution.

Loaded Baked Potato Soup
2/3 cup butter
2/3 cup all-purpose flour
7 cups milk
4 large baking potatoes, baked, cooled, peeled and cubed (about 4 cups worth)
5 green onions, sliced
about 12 bacon strips, cooked and crumbled
2 cups shredded cheddar cheese
1 cup (8 oz) sour cream
salt and pepper to taste

In a large pot, melt the butter, gradually stir in the flour until smooth. Add milk, stirring constantly until thickened. Add potatoes and onions. Bring to a boil (keep stirring!) Reduce heat and simmer for about 10 minutes. Add remaining ingredients and stir until the cheese is melted.

Enjoy! (and you've been warned!)

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Super Easy Creamy Chicken and noodles

Ya know how you have life all planned out... got your lists ready to cross off the chores and start the new year clean and organized? Yeah, that's how I planned my start on 2012. But only two days into this glorious "New" year, my mom goes into the hospital. Funny how everything (and I mean everything) gets put on the back burner. Life doesn't always go according to our lists. So we learn to use pencils with erasers, and hopefully grow in the process.

I learned some things during all this, as the dirty clothes piles grew, and the dishes sat: life isn't in the things and how well we manage them... or let them manage us. It's in relationships. We need each other and when you're given a special opportunity to be there for someone, it's OK if "chores" come to a screeching halt for a little while.

I'm happy to report that my mother is home now and spending a few days at my sister's house for recuperation. So, to lighten her load tonight, I made this super quick and easy dish to take to her house while I visit with mom.

I thought this would be better for her since she's still not eating full meals and taking it easy on her tummy.
Creamy Chicken and Noodles

Boiled chicken (I used a rotisserie chicken from Publix)
Bag of large flat noodles ( I used Mueller's, but any brand will do)
garlic powder
Chicken broth
Poultry seasoning 1-2 TBSP
1 teaspoon chicken bouillon granules
Chicken Broth (I used 3 cans - 15 oz each)
2 cans Cream of Chicken Soup
salt and pepper to taste

To save time I bought the rotisserie chicken, but you can certainly boil your own and use that broth - then you won't have to use the canned broth.

Boil your noodles in the chicken broth. (You need only enough broth to just cover the noodles...unless you want to make soup instead)
Add all the other ingredients and cook another 5-8 minutes.

Note: You can also add sliced carrots, celery and onion to make it a heartier meal (but mom wasn't up for that)


Tuesday, January 3, 2012


This is the day set aside for prayer, for you.

If you have a prayer request, please list it in the comments below. You don't have to give any information you don't feel comfortable with. (A simple "unspoken" comment is sufficient).
If you would like to pray, then please pray for the comment above yours.
Also, if you would like to share a "praise" for a blessing you have received please feel free to leave a comment so we can all rejoice with you!

Sunday, January 1, 2012

New Year New Goals

Happy New Year!

It's a new year and a new chance.  I love fresh starts, don't you?  A do-over if you will.  I don't know how News Years became the day we decide to make resolutions for the rest of the year.  I'm pretty sure, though, it's because a New Year is perfect for a new chance.  I like that.

Did you make any resolutions for the coming year. Or, if you're more comfortable with the word "goal".  Whatever you call it.  This year, for the first time in a long time, I decided that I'd make some goals AND adopt a word for the  year.  My first goal will be to make 2012 a healthier year.  I know, I know...just like every Monday morning, right?  LOL   I'm not focusing on "diet" so much this year as being consciously "healthy". 

My second goal is to visit more blogs and comment more this year.  I want to share the love and promote blogs that have impressed me by either teaching me something, or helping me grow.  Hopefully finding others to be my bloggy friend.  If you own a blog, and would like a visit, please leave a comment so I can come over for a visit!  I'd love to meet you, and if we already know one another, don't let that keep you from commenting.  I need a friendly reminder to keep up with my friends!

Third, is to be more regular about posting here.  I hope you will look forward to it and come back often, let me get to know you through comments, and build a friendship and sense of community here on Sweet Jeanette.  Which will also  help me with Goal #2 above.  

Lastly, my word for 2012 is Grace.  I hope to extend grace more often to others, especially those who I might not feel at the moment "deserve" it.  I came up with that word for 2012 after reading an old post of mine  about extending grace undeserved.  If you have a spare minute, check it out here.

Well, there you have it.  My goals for 2012.  How about you?  Did you make any?  Care to share?