
Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Newton’s Fruit Thins review

Newtons Fruit Thins…yum!
Have you seen these?  Tried ‘em?   I received a bag of  Newton Fruit Thins in the mail to try and saved them for “girls night in” Tuesday night (so they could help me in my own little “taste test”). 
I was in love at first bite!  Seriously.  One of the ladies said “tastes like you wish the Happy Meal cookies tasted”. 
I worried “what if I don’t like them”?   My mother always quoted to me “better to have a good name that fine riches”… so I couldn’t in good conscience endorse something I didn’t absolutely love.  I’m happy to say my fears vanished at first bite!
There are other flavors too, but the bag I received was the Cranberry Citrus Oat Fruit thins.  You could taste a hint of citrus, and see actual dried cranberries in it.  It’s not a sickening-syrup-sweet cookie (which I appreciate!)  Very crisp and tastes refreshing.  Three cookies equal 140 calories and 8 grams of whole grains.
I was going to save the rest of the cookies to have a “party” with my nieces and nephew and “use” them to do another taste test from a kid’s perspective but they were so good, I actually ate the rest!  (sorry kids!)
I would definitely buy these again.  The are that good!  Don’t take my word for it though, get your own bag. 

*I received a free product from One2One Network for review purposes.  I did not receive any form of compensation from the company.  All opinions are my own and not influenced in any way.  I would not endorse any product or idea that I do not believe in and have tried myself.

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