
Tuesday, August 30, 2011


This is the day set aside for prayer for you...
If you have a prayer request, please list it in the comments below. You don't have to give any information you don't feel comfortable with. (A simple "unspoken" comment is sufficient).
If you would like to pray, then please pray for the comment above yours.

Also, if you would like to share a "praise" for a blessing you have received please feel free to leave a comment so we can all rejoice with you!



  1. Jeanette,
    Even if I don't see this post of yours until late... I am SO BLESSED with the feeling I get when I do see it! Thank you again for doing this.

    My husband has put out several resumes. My prayer is that God will take us to where we need to be.

  2. 1)Please pray for my mother. She had been diagnosed with Alzheimers about 2 yrs ago and Dave and I have noticed how QUICKLY it has progressed over the past couple of months.
    2) Pray for Dave and I as this has been especially stressfull for the both of us, because she lives with us. I am her only caregiver.

  3. Love it. because forever.

    I supposed a entreaty for you.Christian tv


I love your sweet comments and read them all. Please let me know you were here!