Do you Pinterest?
If not, you are in an ever-growing small minority. I would have to say, Pinterest is the best thing since sliced bread. Ok, maybe not, but it comes close. What is Pinterest, you ask? Besides being the bombdiggity...
Take a look at your "favorites" folder. Is it jam packed with places you want to go back to or remember for later? That's what mine looked like. So many places bookmarked that I couldn't find what I was looking for and would spend most of my time going through my bookmarked places over and over just to find that web site's url. With Pinterest, you can "pin" that site and go back to it through boards you create. No more clogging up your computer. They're stored on Pinterest so if you suddenly lose your computer (say it dies, ugh!), no problem. Just go to Pinterest and there they are. Sorry, Pinterest can't fix your computer.
Pinterest connects you to other people interested in the same things. You can follow those people. Or, if you are only interested in one or two...or more.. of their boards, you can just follow a specific board.
If you blog, it is a great tool for growing your blog. Pinterest allows you to "pin" some of your own posts, as long as it doesn't become a self-promotion of you exclusively. One example, is the Pecan Pie Cake I made Thanksgiving. (it was awesome, by the way!) I pinned it, and have received over 5,000 visits to my blog from that pin alone! Twitter and facebook put together never did that! Pinterest says It's fine to pin something you're proud of, but you should be pinning more of other's than yourself. That's just good manners too, right?
You will need an invitation to join Pinterest. I'm not sure why because everybody is accepted. You can go yourself and request an invitation, or if you like, I can send you one. When I joined, it took less than an hour to hear from them, but that was over a year ago. It may take a day, now but I don't know.
Oh! You can follow me on Pinterest too! Just click the Pinterest button in the right-hand margin up top...and say "hi"! Like I said...I just love Pinterest. You can get lost in there, but it's a happy place!