Monday, November 30, 2009
Christmas Tree Show-Offs

Sunday, November 29, 2009
Fall Pics
Now, I thought I'd share a few pics from my anniversary trip to Pigeon Forge and Gatlinburg, TN.
There were some adorable fall trees and decorations. So cute, in fact that I had to snap some pics to share!
Friday, November 27, 2009
Winner Winner Chicken Dinner!
But first - I have to tell you my surprise announcement!!!! I've just been giddy with excitement and bursting at the seams to tell you and now I can!!! I don't have one quilted wallhanging and totebag, I HAVE TWO!!!
So that means there are two people to announce!!! Yes, I bought two of these while on my trip to Tennessee! So, hubby picked two names and are you ready?
Oh wait, one more thing (no there isn't a third LOL). Even if you weren't chosen, don't lose heart, and keep checking back, because I will tell you this... I bought another lovely quilted wall hanging that I'll be posting pics in the coming weeks. It's not a Christmas one, but pretty all the same. I also bought one for later (after the holidays) that will get you in the mood for spring time!
There will be another Christmassy give-away coming soon too... So keep checking back!
Ok, ok, I'll tell you the winners!
I have TWO!!!!!
Congrats ladies - and don't forget to keep checking back for more giveaways my sweet friends!

Thursday, November 26, 2009
Giveaway ends tomorrow night!

Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Monday, November 23, 2009
Give Away and other reminders
There are only 3 more days until the winner is announced on the Christmas quilted wallhanging and totebag giveaway!
Don't forget to check back here after 11:00 pm (est) on black friday to see if you're the winner...and also to hear about my surprise announcement!!! I can't wait to tell you!
And while I'm at it, don't forget about the Christmas Goodies Recipe Exchange! I'd love to see all my blog-friends sharing their favorite Christmas Goodies here. It's December 15th.
Hopefully we'll all have some really good recipes to try out after this. I'll have good old Mr. McLinkey set up for you to link up to your blog post with your recipe. Why don't you take the button below and put on your blog to spread the word. The more participating, the more treats we can try! I'm looking forward to it.
Right now I'm in the middle of decorating. I'm almost finished with the "Friendship Tree". Looked at the clock and couldn't believe I had spent over 2 hours on that tree! Also, I noticed that my garland I have overhead entering the living room (I call it the "old room") has fallen three times. So much for those adhesive hooks. I'm breaking out the "heavy artillary" when hubby gets home! LOL When it's all done, I'll post pictures and take you on a tour, how's that?
I want it all done before Thanksgiving (here's hoping!) because I need to get busy making the gift bags for favors for my annual ornament exchange this year. Plus our "gathering of friends" on December 23rd. My December is always booked, how about yours? If you're doing things for the season, I'd love to hear about it, and see pics if you post them. In the comments please leave me a link. I try to visit everyone who drops by for a visit to my blog home! Ok, back to work....
Sunday, November 22, 2009
A different Christmas purse ornament
First, hers are tote bag ornaments and even better, they're functional! You can actually put a small gift in them! I like her style! Here's what I'm talking about.
(If you click on the picture, it'll take you to her tutorial!)
Wasn't it nice of her to share the how-to??? While there, check out the rest of her site. She has made some of the cutest "santa's reindeer" ! Her work is just the cutest, don't you think?
Thursday, November 19, 2009
It's ~~~~~~ drum roll ~~~~Freezer Foods Friday!
I'm trying out Mr. McLinky and hopefully this will allow everyone to join in and submit any "freezer friendly" recipes. Wouldn't that be fun? (Besides that, it's giving me good practice for the Christmas Goodies Recipe Exchange coming upon the 15th of December linky event! )
And while I'm at it, what do you think about my Freezer Foods Friday button? Isn't it absolutely adorable? She's a perfect match to the whole blog feel, isn't she? Well, kudos goes to Mary of Blog Rock once again! She's the mastermind who did my blog makeover! Wasn't she just the best to do that for me? I love it. If you're considering a face-lift for your blog, I highly recommend her! No, this is not an info-mercial, but when I find a great deal, I like to blab it everywhere! She goes way above and beyond for you!
Her button is on my left sidebar.
Now a few instructions: Got a blog entry with a "make ahead" recipe or idea? Link up to that blog post. Now, it doesn't have to be a FREEZER meal, per se...maybe a seasoning mix, or something you do "in bulk" that would be considered a rescue for make ahead meals. And be sure to take my button for the Freezer Foods Friday and put on your blog so everybody can come here and be able to see other blogger's entries. (There's one a few buttons down on the right sidebar all decked out with a code!)
Here's my contribution (in honor of the holidays):
20 Pie Crusts for the Freezer
3 lb can Crisco vegetable shortening
5 lbs. flour
3 cups ice water
2 Tablespoons salt
Mix in a very large bowl or pan. Mix flour, salt and Crisco together with hands. Add ice water slowly and mix all together until bended. Make into 18-20 patties. Wrap individually in plastic wrap and freeze in a large 2 gallon ziploc bag. When you want to make a pie crust, defrost desired number of crust "patties" on the counter 30 minutes or so, or in the fridge overnight. Roll between two sheets of waxed paper. These will keep for at least 1 year in the freezer!
There is something about freezing this dough that makes it so easy to roll out. Rolling them between sheets of waxed paper makes it so much easier!
These can be used not only for dessert pies, but quiches, pot pies, beef pasties, etc.
Your turn....
A DIY and a Give Away from a new friend
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Now back to the recipe exchange. I love to hear the stories behind the recipes too, if you have any, please don't forget to tell that!
Don't forget to take the button and link back here so we can all come visit your blog to see your dish you're so famous for! Tell everybody! The more the merrier and the more recipes we can try out on our families, and upcoming holiday parties! If you link up, and see that your link isn't there, please check that you have linked to my blog up on your blog. If you haven't, your link won't appear here, but if you have and you still don't see your link, please re-enter! We want everyone to be able to come to your blog to visit you!

Tuesday, November 17, 2009
The front and back are shaped the same...a triangle. You can make this as large or small as you wish depending on the size of the wearer. (adult, child, larger body, etc.) Use a plate or something to give you a ever-so-subtle curve for the neck. You want it to lay on the back nicely and not choke you in the front! I lined both front and back, but that's up to you. You could sew a hem around all edges instead.
Tear fabric strips (muslin) about 1 1/2 inch wide to 1 3/4 inches. Throw them in the wash and dry them to make 'em look "worn" - you can either do this before ripping the fabric strips or after but you'll get a better "worn" look if you do it after because it helps it to fray more. Now, you can either sew the strips on or hot glue. I hot glued because it's a collar and doesn't get that dirty. I think I sewed the apron one though. The choice is yours. Glue two flat pieces for each eyebrow. Paint on the eyes and use blush for the cheeks. I had a button plug for the nose but it came off. It's not necessary to give him a nose though. Knot 2-3 strips together in the middle and then hot glue (or sew) down at a time. Knotting several together gives you a good "bunched" or full look to the beard...and mustache, plus the knot is a good solid base to glue on. Just keep adding strips until you're satisfied with the look. Personally, I think I could add some more strips to mine...
Sunday, November 15, 2009
Victorian Purse Ornaments
I used made these years ago to sell in craft shows and when I needed to make something to send in an ornament exchange I thought of these. I was surfing and saw a "make it with what you have" blog carnival and thought I'd do just that with my "stash" of loose ends that I couldn't bear to toss. Granted, they're doing "big" items, and this is a little ol' ornament, but I used what I had - so that counts for something, right? Then I started thinking that maybe some of my blog buddies might like to make some...just in case you're a "bag lady" like me!
It's really simple, and you don't need any advanced sewing skills! LOL Pics probably aren't needed (especially after seeing what a photographer I am!) but here's a few anyway.
Make yourself a template out of cardstock, cardboard..whatever. It should measure 4 x 6 inches.
Trace the template onto your fabric (wrong side). Fold the 4 x 6 inch piece of fabric in half (making it 4 x 3 inches). Sew a scant 1/4 inch around three sides. You see in the picture on the left, the "bottom" of the purse has curved lines? You can eyeball it or find something to make that curve I used a half round template from my quilting rulers, but a cup or glass that would fit would be fine..just anything so your purse doesn't just look like a straight bag..unless that's what you're going for. Turn right sides out.
Stitch a running stitch, or gathering stitch, by hand all around the open end but don't close it off yet.
Now get out your stash and have fun! Eye it up on your purse and see what you like
I hope I haven't totally confused you. But if I did don't hesitate to ask and I'll see if I can confuse you even more.

Friday, November 13, 2009
The new GIVE-AWAY in celebration of 100 followers!
Congrats to Pam and Dot!Ok, I finally (made the bed and) took the pictures of the giveaway! Remember the hints I dropped? It's a Christmas quilted Throw/wall hanging (50 x 60 inches) with a rod pocket on back for hanging if you like, PLUS a tote bag!
You can't really tell it, but the tote has one outside pocket and a bunch of pockets inside. I just noticed that! LOL I took several pics and because I couldn't decide which would give the best view, I decided to post 'em all. Here they are...
I hope you like this giveaway! You can enter up until 10:00 pm on black friday (the day after Thanksgiving). I will announce the winner at 11:00 pm. and then another announcement about a surprise ! But I'm not tellin' yet!!! (giggle)