To accept I must answer these questions and spread the love to 6 fabulous bloggers!
1. Where is your cell phone: In my purse
2. Your hair: up in a clip, and dirty.
3. Your mother: at home
4. Your father: in heaven
5. Your favorite food: cheesecake
6. Your dream from last night: Christmas and hubby's brother was making a picnic table for a gift.
7. Your favorite drink: lemonade
8. Your dream/goal: To lose 100 lbs by November of 2010.
9. What room are you in: the "office"
10. What is your hobby: baking; crafting/sewing
11. What is your fear: monsters with 8 legs!
12. Where do you want to be in 6 years: Anywhere as long it's with my hubby.
13. Where were you last night: My mom's house and then home
.14. Something you are not: perfect
15. Muffins: banana
16. Wish List items.: Kindel (sp?), 10" netbook, super-dooper digi-camera with lots of zoom
17. Where did you grow up: Plant City, FL
18. Last thing you did: twisted some wire for angels
19. What are you wearing: a huge shirt
20. Your TV: I'm guessing it's on, since hubby is in the other room.
21. Your pets:Do dust bunnies count?
22. Your friends: are asleep,which is where I should be
23. Your life: is fulfilled
24. Your mood: sleepy
25. Missing someone: yes, my father.
26. Vehicle: Toyota Avalon
27. Something your not wearing: shoes
28. Your favorite store: Ohh tuff one... fabric stores, quilt stores, Tuesday Morning, Lifeway...
29. Your favorite color: hot pink
30. When's the last time you laughed: a few minutes ago
31. When's the last time you cried: i don't even remember
32. Your best friend: my husband.
33. One place you go over and over: see #28 ! LOL
34. One person who emails me regularly: hmmmm... dunno.
35. Favorite place to eat? Just about any place that I don't get my napkin out of a dispenser and they clean up after me!
Now I pass this on to these lovely bloggers!!
1. Jen
2. Audrey
3. Wanda
4. Debi
5. Gretchen
6. Glenna
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