Welcome to the
Ultimate Blog Party 2011 !!!
I'm so glad you came!!! I just love a party, don't you? This (ultimate) blog party is brought to you by 5 Minutes for Mom . They've been hosting this extravaganza since 2007, but this is my first year.
This is a very relaxed and uber-casual party! You can kick your shoes off if you wanna. I won't mind at all. You must have some of my Milky Way Cake while you're here! This cake is sure to keep you "prayed up". Once cut, you need to ask the Lord for will-power not to eat the whole thing! Isn't it yummy? And yes, I'll share the recipe! (just click on the Milky Way Cake!)
Oh, where's my manners! You've been invited to a party that you don't know the hostess. Well, I'll tell you a bit about myself. How's that? I love to cook, especially bake...and unfortunately, it shows. (sigh) At a very young age I used to pretend I had my own cooking show. I would share the secret to a perfect bowl of cereal with every bit of confidence of Ms. Paula Deen and wit of Emeril!
Not only do I share recipes on this site, I have a "sister" blog called Real Women Eat and this is a post I did on one of our "Cook-n-Critique" nights. Admittedly, we haven't been that active lately. "Cupcake" just got married and she's our Sargent at arms and secretary. (She does keep us in line. I've found we all are easily distracted). But, if you encourage me...maybe we'll be better about that! (hint, hint) If you're so inclined, it won't take you long to read the whole blog! (I highly recommend it. All the cool kids do!)
As if you couldn't already tell by my blog decor, I love pink! I'm a bit of a closet diva too. When I was 8, the only way my mom could get me to play in my piano recital was to let me wear a tiara! Thinking back, I'd probably be embarrased to do that now (probably), but not then! I was a queen even then!
And now let me tell you about the love of my life Click here to read about The Day I Knew My Husband Loved Me. and since I love Christmas so much I don't want to let go, how about I take you on a Christmas Open House tour? How about a little craft tutorial? Victorian purse ornaments.
Oh! and I have an etsy shop too! I'd love for you to visit and if for all blog party guests, if use the code at checkout ubp2011 you'll receive %20.00 discount...on everything!
I'll turn you loose now. Make yourself at home, look around and if you would like to come back for visits, You are always welcome!!! AND... if you would like to follow, well, I'd be thrilled, and would love you forever!